In December 2017, our lives turned upside down. We learned that Livia had a rare genetic disease: neurofibromatosis type 1. The disorder brings its share of difficulties, including severe learning disabilities, risk of scoliosis and subcutaneous neurofibroma. Neurofibromatosis can cause tumours to grow on nerves and turn into cancer.

That’s what happened. A malignant brain tumour, an optic pathway glioma, threatens to blind her. The only solution is chemotherapy.

This is when Leucan entered into our lives. Leucan stood by us, both financially and psychologically, for over 150 weeks. We still benefit from their support today. Leucan welcomed us into their family and helped us to feel less alone.

What would we have done without their support? It’s important to us to give back something to them by being spokespersons for the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge. It’s a way for us to express our infinite gratitude, and also to ensure that other families like ours can benefit from their services. Leucan is so important! Please help them make a difference in the lives of people dealing with this devastating disease.