No matter how you choose to take up the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge, the Leucan team is there to accompany you every step of the way so that your participation in the Challenge is a positive and memorable experience.
Stay tuned to this page for all the news and updates in your area!
Leucan Shaved Head Challenge 2024 Regional Campaign
There are many ways for you to take part in the Challenge’s solidarity movement. Whether it’s with your company, your school or privately (alone or in a group), choose the option you prefer and take up the Challenge in your own image. In every corner of the region, the Challenge will bring together dedicated people who, like you, will make the great gesture of solidarity of the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge to give hope to the families of children with cancer.
Leucan Leaders Challenge in Montérégie
The Leucan Leaders Challenge is part of the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge and is designed to mobilize leaders across the province around the cause of children with cancer. The Challenge highlights the most impressive fund-raising efforts in the youth, corporate and civic sectors.
École primaire Joseph-De Sérigny: a lesson in solidarity!
An educator at Joseph-De Sérigny elementary school had been thinking about participating in the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge for a few years. When a young student at the school was diagnosed with cancer, she decided to organize a Challenge. Staff, parents and students quickly came together and raised over $15,000 by agreeing to shave off their hair in solidarity with Léo. According to Léo, all these people are now “as beautiful as I am!” To honour this record-time achievement, we’re delighted to bestow the distinction of Youth Leader!

Collège Trinité once again wins the title of Youth Leader for its Leucan Shaved Head Challenge
Once again, Collège Trinité stands out for its commitment and solidarity in the cause of pediatric cancer. On April 29th 2024, the college held another edition of the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge, raising over $13,000 and once again earning Youth Leader distinction. This success testifies not only to the generosity of Collège Trinité’s students, staff and families, but also to their determination to support Leucan’s cause by holding an annual Challenge.

LOU-TEC: an outstanding example of solidarity
For LOU-TEC, community engagement is an important value. Again this year, the company demonstrated this by organizing a unifying Challenge that showcased solidarity and generosity. On June 13, 2024, seven participants from four branches had their hair shaved off to support children with cancer and their families. Their coworkers turned out to support them on-site and via a live stream. Some even organized fundraising activities to support the courageous participants who had agreed to shed their hair. Thanks to these combined efforts, LOU-TEC raised $25,284 and was once again awarded the Leucan Corporate Leader Award. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of the 2024 edition of the LOU-TEC Challenge!

Thank you to the past Leucan Leader Challenge participants!
As a result of their impressive fundraising efforts, the following Challenges have been recognized as Leucan Leaders in recent years.
Youth Division
- Collège Trinité : over $26,000
- École secondaire de Chambly : over $18,000
- Collège Saint-Maurice : almost $18,000
- Cégep de Saint-Hyacinthe : over $13,000
Corporate Division
- LOU-TEC : almost $35,000
Youth Division
- Collège Français : over $32,000
- Collège Trinité : over $32,000
- École secondaire du Chêne-Bleu : over $10,000
Corporate Division
- Accès Location +/LOU-TEC : over $27,000
Thank you for your commitment and dedication!

Regional office
Phone: 514 731-3696 or 1 800 361-9643
Melanie Decoste |