Hi! My name is Élisabeth! At 8 years old, my life was turned upside down when I felt a small bump on my neck. My mom worried. My das went with me to get an x-ray. I had several tests and we discovered a blastic T-cell lymphoma. I had to be hospitalized.
I stopped doing gymnastics I loved so much. I was angry about losing my hair. I found it hard not to see my friends anymore because I also stopped going to school for a long time. Fortunately, Leucan was there to help my family. They invited us to the respite weekend at Jouvence where we did many activities in nature with other children. I really had fun. It was like a vacation. I love it when Anne-Marie comes to visit us at the hospital to do activities.
Thank you for participating in the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge and for supporting Leucan, which helps hundreds of families like mine!